Thursday, September 25, 2014

Puerto Rican Independence U.S. / Marxist Free



L.E. Vega

Honestly, the news about the referendum for Scottish independence inevitably makes me wonder if it were instead Puerto Rico's turn to become independence. In good faith, my opinion is that it could likely be Puerto Rico's turn if Puerto Ricans in general were not so wrapped up in two sources of distraction: 1) Notions of statehood that based on the referendum circa the year 2000, through which statehood won, and Washington replied that statehood is a process and left it at that, and, 2) patterns to cling to Marxism as a means to achieve independence that over and over again prove to be ineffective.

Before I proceed, I would like to give my take that in order to even think about independence or any status, or to globally move forward in any way, Puerto Rico must do away with the political parties that gamble with Puerto Rico and which could be marionettes of corrupted individuals and possibly, entities such as Banco Popular.

It is interesting, by the way, that the one alternative political party recently formed in Puerto Rico announced that they will not be inscribing themselves for the next gubernatorial election.  I say interesting in the sense that it is precisely why Puerto Rico must do away with all three parties that appear to block political alternatives for Puerto Rico.

There are many dynamics surrounding the issue of Independence for Puerto Rico, one of them being the financial factor, which brings me to mention the Bank of North Dakota, a model that proves that independent banking is doable for any state or for any economy, not to mention a road to independence for the Indian Reservations throughout the United States as well.


In a previous essay- blog, "Estudio Sobre el Impacto Socialde La Ley de La Mordaza en Puerto Rico", ( ) I discuss that in order to improve any aspect of Puerto Rico, the political party Partido Popular must undergo a severe remodeling.  The most effective tool to break away with patterns that are damaging, whether intentionally or as a result of lack of organization or complacence, the pillars of the Partido Popular must be remodeled. Let it be spring time in Puerto Rico, clean the house, and wipe the windows to let the sun's political clarity shine through!

Incidentally, one does not have to be "anti-American" in order to discuss the issue of independence for Puerto Rico.  I love and respect the United States, contrary to the branding as being "anti-American" that I receive from a minority of corrupted sources that are Puerto Rican and American of all races and of all political affiliations.  I am branded as "anti-American", because there are corrupted sources that do not wish for me to guide Hispanics and Americans of all walks of life in a healthy way, who do not wish for a health-conscious Puerto Rican like me who weighs 100 lbs. to guide when it comes to health, global peace and spirituality because they prefer to give opportunities to individuals who are willing to go along with corruption in healthcare and everywhere!

Freedom must first of all be achieved in the human mind, and we achieve it by adopting a healthy life style that is free of toxins.  Once our minds are free of toxins, then we can think clearly enough to come up with alternative solutions to build an independent nation, if that is what we wish to do.

Do I want for Puerto Rico to become an independent nation?  As much as I love the United States, based on the state or the lack of state that a group of individuals dating back to the time when the settlers tried to free themselves from the controlling sectors of the Old World, it is absurd for Puerto Rico or any "territory" to seek a union with the lamentably "Divided" United States. The same handful of sinister individuals, afraid of many facts, including that the Native Americans would teach them that the new settlers do not need financial banks or institutions, divided, to maintain profiteering control, the settlers and the Native Americans.

Today, by the way, the same controlling individuals divide Blacks and Hispanics, and Americans and Hispanics, especially now that Latin children are crossing the U.S. border by the thousands, and so many Americans cling to division, rather than getting down to the bottom of the river, which is corruption that imposes division (a subject for another blog).

Many reputable researchers document cases of leaders who, even back in the days before Germany existed under its name today, have received a "psychedelic" transformation while imprisoned or secluded, a controlling mechanism by corrupted sources in power. Upon reading about "Metaprogramming", I recall the "psychedelic" transformation that poor Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos received while imprisoned in "La Princesa".  [Link to a blog expanding on the subject of Metraprogramming -] 

Don Pedro even records his experiences while in his prison cell at La Princesa, Ponce, Puerto Rico, describing the "psychedelic" lights. If such factual data is not enough to convince you that Dr. Albizu Campos was tortured and brainwashed, I do not know what is!

Below, I provide a You Tube link to the recording (in Spanish) of Dr. Albizu detailing the "psychedelic" controlling agenda, an agenda that coincidentally, I understand very well, since I come from a well-known family and some of my own family members, typical of powerful individuals who get carried away serving the wrong side, abused their power.


In a previous blog, an essay about the corruption in the sugar cane industry, I describe that Dr. Albizu Campos was brainwashed, debating that he actually belonged to the Mahatma Gandhi movement, which certainly contradicted his sudden "order" to members of the Nationalist Party to assassinate then President Truman. (The Sugar Cane Syndrome - Don Pedro Albizu Campos ). 

Objectively speaking, although I am not a member of the Nationalist Party in Puerto Rico and although I believe that he Marxist-Leninist turn that Dr. Pedro Albizu campos made was a distraction programmed into the leader to prevent him from freeing Puerto Rico, I do believe that to a big extent, the Nationalist Party (El Partido Nacionalista), unlike the three political inscribed parties in Puerto Rico (Partido Popular, Partido Estadista Nuevo Progresista, and Partido Independentista), remains untainted, and perhaps should be considered as an alternative and should again, like their leader and everyone's true leader in Puerto Rico, Don Pedro, get into the peaceful and therefore less distracting Mahatma Gandhi swing.

What a shame for Puerto Rico! Albeit I am happy for Scotland's possibilities to achieve national freedom, it is sad that on this day, it could be instead Puerto Rico taking the leap towards national "freedom". Or, it could be an already free Puerto Rico setting an example for Scotland and other nations to become nationally free.  I hope that this blog is helpful and informative. Especially given the current global uncertainty that has waxed for decades, what could be more healthy than to achieve true national freedom!

Some Literary Works by L.E. Vega

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